24 October 2023 USS Savannah Successfully Completes Live-Fire Demonstration PACIFIC OCEAN — USS Savannah (LCS 28) conducted a live-fire demonstration Oct. 24 in the Eastern Pacific Ocean utilizing a containerized launching system that fired an SM-6 missile at a designated target...
31 May 2023 USS Savannah (LCS 28) Conducts Initial Exchange of Command SAN DIEGO — Independence-variant littoral combat ship USS Savannah (LCS 28) Gold crew relieved Savannah’s Blue crew during an exchange of command ceremony aboard the ship at Naval Base San Diego, May 19...
07 October 2022 USS Savannah (LCS 28) Gold Holds Assumption of Command Ceremony Cmdr. Jenna Van Zeyl became the first Gold crew commanding officer of Independence-variant littoral combat ship USS Savannah (LCS 28) during an assumption of command ceremony aboard the ship, Oct. 7...
05 February 2022 Navy Commissions Littoral Combat Ship USS Savannah (LCS 28) The U.S. Navy commissioned its newest Independence-variant Littoral Combat Ship USS Savannah (LCS 28) Feb. 5, 2022, in Brunswick, Ga...
05 February 2022 USS Savannah (LCS 28) Commissions The U.S. Navy commissioned its newest Independence-variant Littoral Combat Ship USS Savannah (LCS 28) Feb. 5, 2022, in Brunswick, Ga...