The McCain Family—Three Sailors, Three Legacies JOHN S. McCAIN is the second Bath-built ship to carry the name. The first ship (DL-3/DDG36), bore the name from 1953-1978. Both de-stroyers honor Admiral John S. McCain (1884-1945), the distinguished Carrier Task Force Commander of World War II, and his son, Admiral John S. McCain, Jr., (1911-1981), a former Commander-in-Chief, U.S. Pacific Command. Admiral John S. McCain, Sr. is best remembered for his designation as Commander, South Pacific Force during the campaign of the Solo-mon Islands 1942 and later as Commander, SECOND Carrier Task Force and Commander, Task Force 38.1 in 1944. As part of Admiral Halsey's Task Force 38, Admiral McCain saw almost continuous combat action and was awarded the Navy Cross for heroism and great achievement. Admiral John S. McCain, Jr. commanded two submarines during World War II and was awarded the Silver Star and Bronze Star Medals for service in combat. Among his significant commands and assignments were Commander, Amphibious Force, Atlantic Fleet; Commander-in-Chief of both U.S. Naval Forces Europe and later the Pacific. He also served as a Special Assistant to the Chief of Naval Operations. Senator John S. McCain, III is a former Naval Aviator and Prisoner of War in the Vietnam War (1967-1973), and was awarded the Silver Star, Bronze Star, Purple Heart and Distinguished Flying Cross. He continued a life of public service, serving two terms in the U.S. House of Represent-atives, six terms as Senator from Arizona, culminating as Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee (2015-2018). His contributions and influence have helped shape national and international security policy decisions since first joining Congress in 1982 and his life’s work and lega-cy live on through many organizations and causes, including the McCain Institute, USS JOHN S. McCAIN and the McCain family.